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My name is Annette!
With a lot of passion and love for animals and especially horses, I have been creating pencil drawings, portraits and collages for many years.

Whether cats, dogs or of course horses, I love to look for the unmistakable and characteristic expression of the animal.  

For some time now I have been dedicating myself increasingly to the free and more creative form of art. More and more often I put my beloved pencil aside and experiment with a wide variety of colors and backgrounds. It usually begins with the idea of a motif, which sometimes only gets its final direction in the process of painting.

Through my intensive handling of horses, through my experiences as a rider and the impressions gained over the years, it means a lot to me to bring the moods and the charisma of the painted animals as accurately as possible on paper or canvas. Especially in small and insignificant and not always superficially pretty snapshots, I often find the animal's soul again. 

Your Annette

Tierkunst Atelier Annette Sommer Bergisch Gladbach
Ausstellung Stand Dein Tier auf Papier Tierheim Köln-Dellbrück
Annette Sommer, Dein Tier auf Papier, Tierportraits aus Bergisch Gladbach / Köln  Tierzeichnungen Acrylgemälde
Annette Sommer Tierkunst Atelier Bergisch Gladbach Dein Tier auf Papier

Google-Rezensionen und Presse:

Google-Rezension Tierskizzen Tierportraits
Artikel Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger Ausstellung Annette Sommer
Rezensionen Dein Tier auf papier Annette Sommer Bleistiftzeichnung Hund
Skizze Hund malen lassen gute Rezension Dein Tier auf Papier
Ausstellung Dein Tier auf Papier Hebborner Hof Reitturnier
Presseartikel Dein Tier auf Papier Annette Sommer Rheinische Post
Hundeportrait Rezension fünf Sterne bei Google
Hundeportrait Skizze Rezension fünf Sterne
Rezensionen Dein Tier auf Papier Annette Sommer Tierportraits
Rezensionen Dein Tier auf Papier Annette Sommer
Ausstellung Waldrestaurant Wildwechsel Köln-Dünnwald Dein Tier auf Papier Tierportraits
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